Texas Hold’em Begginers Guide For Any Player


Texas Hold’em Guide

Speaking about card games, we all agree that Poker is the most exciting card game ever devised. Around the world, from Europe to America, millions of people love this card game. They see it as the best card game, and one of the best games. We present you Texas Hold’em Guide for Beginners in this article.

It’s clear that Poker is the most exciting card game ever devised. We can assure everyone’s testimony that Texas Hold’em is the best and famous type of Poker. If you are searching for more excitement, more enthusiasm, more adrenaline, this game is one of your best options.

Before we start enjoyment, we have first to know how to play. Therefore, let’s just learn the rules in this Texas Hold’em Guide, and start this amazing adventure!

Table of content:

  1. Texas Hold’em 
  2. Texas Hold’em Glossaries Terms
  3. Basic Rules for Playing Poker Texas Hold’em
  4. Three options to pick out from
  5. The Most Popular Poker Expression
    1. Shark
    2. Fish
    3. No Limit Poker
    4. Pre-flop
    5. Burn Card
    6. Bluffing
    7. On the button
    8. Split Pot
    9. The Nuts
    10. Pot Committed

Texas Hold’em Guide – Glossaries Terms

  1. Blindsor what we call “blind bets”, these are the forced bets made before the cards are dealt. They take the place of the classic “ante.”
  2. Buttonsurname for the player acting as the dealer in the current hand
  3. Checkas to a call but no money is bet.
  4. If there is no raise preflop, the big blind could check
  5. FlopThe first three community cards dealt.
  6. Fourth StreetSee Turn.
  7. Fifth Street: See River.
  8. All-In: A player puts all of his or her lasting chips into the pot
  9. PreflopAnything that occurs before the flop is dealt with in preflop
  10. RiverThe final (5th) community card dealt; in addition, known as the fifth street.
  11. ShowdownWhen players reveal their hands to find the pot’s winner.
  12. TurnThe fourth collection card dealt; also known as the fourth street

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Basic Rules for Playing Poker – Texas Hold’em Guide

In a Poker game, we have 6 to 9 players. ‘Heads up’ is played between two players. You have to know that there are two situations:

First, regular Poker game, one example is when a regular poker tournament or game comes to an end. Then it will have the last two players standing (or sitting).

Another way to play Heads up is to enter into individual poker where there are only two players. Of course, each playing separately.

The dealer deals with two cards at the beginning of each hand (round). It’s not intended to be shown to opponents. These are famous as ‘slot cards’ or ‘pocket cards’. Players use them in conjunction with the rest of the cards the dealer places on the table to make a poker hand. We will explain it at a later stage.

There are two types of curtains, “small blinds” and “big blinds”. Big blinds are always twice the number of small blinds. The player sitting to the left of the dealer puts the small blind on the table. On the other side, the player who sits left puts the big blind. The player next to him is the first to decide whether or not to join the betting.

The movement of action in Poker is always to the left. Once they place the blinds, the person on the left of the big blind will have to decide whether they want to play the hand. Players have 3 options to pick out from.

Three options to pick out from

  • Fold – This is when the player doesn’t want to participate in the hand and gives up the cards
  • Call – This simply involves matching the big blind as a reference for participation in the hand
  • Raise This involves raising the bet at a minimum of twin the big blinds. It’s a clear sign of a strong hand. For instance, if the blinds are set at 25/50, a hike has to be at a minimum of 100, doubling the big blind.

Once the blinds have been placed, it’s time for the dealer to deal with the first 3 cards. These are the ‘flop’. After the flop, another round of betting takes place, starting with the player who placed the small blind. It always moves to the left.

Players can refuse to bet. It’s because they also have a “check” option. It simply means that they do not place a wager and want to see the next card for free. If everyone checks, the next card is dealt with. If a player wager, again, everyone will wait for their turn. They will be deciding whether to decide to fold, call, or lift.

The next card to be dealt with is ‘the turn’. Another betting round occurs for the 4th card, the players have another chance to decide if they want to stay in the hand

The last card is the ‘river’ card. The action ends after the last round of betting. Therefore, players must combine their hole cards with any 3 of the 5 cards dealt by the dealer or use the cards dealt by the dealer to make a hand. If you have the best hand wins the pot.

When you try to play Poker, you will often find some Poker terms. So, in this Texas Hold’em Guide we will explain those terms.

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A very good poker player with significant experience, who’s able to recognize patterns of play has a great sense of reading players as well as having the ability to capitalize on amateur mistakes.


A ‘fish’ is the name of a newbie poker player who’s at the poker table due to the style of play and lack of experience.

No Limit Poker

No limit is the number of chips any player is able to bet in a single hand, with the maximum referred to as ‘All In’


This is the betting action that precedes the flop, hence the name.

Players with strong pocket cards will try to eliminate players from the hand. They will do so by raising pre-flop to determine other players who also have a strong hand.

Burn Card

After any betting round, the dealer will discard the best card as a preventive measure for cheating.


Bluffing is acting as though the player’s hand is much stronger than it actually is, throwing off your opponents and stealing the pot.

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On the button

Every player will get the chance to be a hypothetical dealer. When a player is in ‘on the button’ it simply means that the player will be the last one to perform from every betting round. The importance of position in Poker game is crucial, as strategies and tactics shift in different positions

Split Pot

if two players or more have the same hand, the pot profit is split evenly between the players involved.

The Nuts

The nuts are an expression used when a player has the best possible hand and can’t be beaten with the combination of cards dealt. This is a great case to be in as it gives entire control and security to the player. It also gives the capacity to bet with confidence.

Pot Committed

This occurs when a player has invested a lot of chips into the pot in a particular hand and feels that the investment is too big to fold. Even though the hand might not be the strongest.

Finally, at the end of this Texas Hold’em Guide, if you love card games, Poker is your best choice. When we say Poker, Texas Holdem is absolutely the most exciting type of Poker.

Strategy to play underdogs and draw

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