How to Win Bets Using Comparable Probabilities and Estimates?


Comparable Probabilities and Estimates in Football Betting

Have you ever wondered How to Win Bets Using Comparable Probabilities and Estimates? A lot of people tend to think that it is enough to watch a game once in a while. They follow the football club channel to be a good bettor when sports betting is more complex than that.

The first and often the only question a beginner bettor will ask is: Which team will win tonight’s game? A question that may seem logical when we are going to bet money on the result of a match? In fact, that has little importance, because the real question to ask when betting on an event is another one. Is the probability that the bookmaker estimated that this event happens is fair?

This fundamental question will then allow us to determine if there is what is called a value bet. Not knowing what a value bet is in sports betting is like a football striker who does not know the rule of the offside, which could pose big problems to him to be effective in the long term.

Table of content:

  1. Comparable Probabilities and Estimates in Football Betting
  2. The importance of correct estimates and How to set up a winning strategy
  3. Key rules for strategy

The importance of correct estimates and How to set up a winning strategy

Starting from the calculation of the probabilities that an event will occur and following constant rules over time, it’s possible to obtain important results right away and earn even 30 euros a day and more. Betting professionals teach those winning strategies are the easiest to memorize. Also, they teach that they are most effective to apply, as long as the player is disciplined and operates without emotion.

Key rules for strategy

To improve discipline and earn money thanks to sports betting, it’s necessary to structure an excellent game strategy and respect the following rules:

1. Bet online only

Betting professionals work using only the internet connection, as the world of betting has changed compared to the past and money circulates freely online. Furthermore, the best services are offered by online betting sites.

2. Learn the main terminologies

Every professional player masters concepts, such as the statistical variable. He must be aware that in order to develop his own game strategy it is necessary to test it in the long term. To try to obtain daily earnings it’s advisable to abandon the so-called multiples and rely on methods that exploit the single operations.

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3. Relying on statistics

Winning and earning money means placing bets with maths in favor. You need to develop the maths used by professional bettors such as calculating the probability of an event occurring, determining the percentage of risk based on the budget, etc.

It’s also necessary to know the fundamental concepts such as the ROI (Return on Investment) of a strategy and always consider that it is not the money earned but the portion of capital risked for the return obtained that determines the success of an operation;

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4. Knowing Money Management

Of fundamental importance is understanding the methods of managing the budget. If the goal is to try to earn 10 euros a day by betting, you must manage the losses based on the return. This is the fundamental rule of money management.

5. Establish capital

Since the betting sector is similar to the investment world, you have to establish the maximum amount that it is possible to risk. Based on returns, money management varies, as it allows the bettor to adapt the ROI both in the short term by increasing the risk on individual games. By reducing it in the long term with lower but constant earnings.

6. Know the event

Capital and money management are the basis for managing one’s budget; however, to make money from sports betting you need to know the sport, the teams, and how they perform. When two teams play a match, the bettor must understand the team’s playing strategy. He also has to understand the type of formation and the motivation of the players in the face of wins and losses.

Nowadays there are no systems of betting of football that allow you to get as close as possible to the correct final result. However,, by relying on the right sources, such as reliable online betting sites, it is possible to place bets on the events that have the most favorable odds.

Also see – Strategic Betting On Favorites


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