Using a Combination Bet On Favorites


Combination Bet On Favorites

You are thinking about Using a Combination Bet On Favorites? Assuming you have $50 to invest in a business, two things can happen; either the business blooms and you get your profit, or the business fails, and you lose all. You can choose to split the $50 into five and invest $10 in five different businesses.

If one fails, there is still a chance of making a profit in the remaining four. This is how a combination bet works. Now that you have a basic idea of what a combination bet means, I will define it in terms of sports betting. Combination bet comprises different bets on a series of selection.

The same stake is placed on each bet. You can still win and make a profit even if you don’t win all your bets. This bet consists of two or more multiple bets or a multiple bet and single bets.

Several times, people have mixed up the concepts of combination bet and multiple bet. A multiple bet is made of more than one selection in which only one stake is placed. If any of the selection loses, the entire bet is lost.

Therefore, multiple bets require a sound knowledge of the sports involved and extra attention. If there are only two selections involved, the multiple bet is referred to as a double. Whereas, multiple bets made up of four or more selections are known as accumulators, otherwise known as ‘accas.’

On the other hand, a combination bet allows you to place a different stake on each selection. You still stand a chance of winning or making a profit even if one of your selections loses. A combination bet can consist of multiple bets. So in order to know more about it, learn more about the types of Combination Bets!

Table of content:

  1. Combination Bet On Favorites
  2. Types of Combination Bets
    1. Trixie 
    2. Yankee 
    3. Heinz 
    4. Super Heinz 
    5. Goliath 
  3. Things to know before placing a combination bet
  4. Conclusion on Using a Combination Bet On Favorites

Types of Combination Bets

Combination bets consisting of multiple bets only 


A Trixie consists of four separate bets from three selections. It is basically three doubles and one treble combined. For example, a double can be on Team A and Team B to win. Another double can be on Team B and Team C to win, and the last double on Team A and Team C to win. The treble will be on all three teams to win.

Football Betting Market: Canceling Out The Tie Option In A Classic 2-way Combination Bet


A Yankee comprises four different selections with 11 separate bets. Those bets include six doubles, four trebles, and a fourfold accumulator (or accas). In this case, a fourth team is added. The six doubles are;

  • TeamW and Team Xto win
  • TeamX and Team Y to win
  • TeamY and Team Z to win
  • TeamW and Team Z to win
  • TeamW and Team Y to win
  • TeamX and Team Z to win

The four trebles are;

  • Team W, Team X, and Team Y to win
  • TeamW, Team X, and Team Z to win
  • Team W, Team Y, and Team Z to win
  • TeamX, Team Y, and Team Z to win

The fourfold accumulator is Team W, Team X, Team Y, and Team Z to win.


Six different selections with 57 separate bets form a Heinz. These bets consist of a sixfold, 6 five-folds, 15 fourfold, 20 trebles, and a 15 doubles accumulator.

Common Bet Types – Focus on Over/Under in Combination Bets

Super Heinz:

this type of combination bet involves seven different selections consisting of 120 separate bets. Those include 1 sevenfold, 7 six-folds, 21 five-folds, 35 fourfolds, 35 trebles, and 21 doubles accumulator.


Here, we have eight different selections with 247 separate bets. 1 eightfold, 8 seven-folds, 28 six-folds, 56 five-folds, 70 four-folds, 56 trebles, and 28 doubles accumulator.

Combination bets consisting of multiple bets and single bets

  • Patent: consists of a Trixie and three singles
  • Lucky16: consists of a Yankee and four singles
  • Lucky32: consists of a Yankee and five singles
  • Lucky64: consists of a Heinz and six singles

Things to know before placing a combination bet

  • Do thorough research: As you know, it is never smart to dive into a venture without having full knowledge of what it is about or what to expect. Reading this article is one way of acquiring knowledge about a combination bet. You can also analyze the teams involved and how they play and check for other things like an important player’s injury. 
  • Get advice from professionals: They say experience is the best teacher, but sometimes, the experience is not always personal. Some people have been in the game way longer than you have, so you will be doing yourself a big favor by talking to them and asking for their advice. I mean, who else can tell you how to prevent a loss than someone that has experienced that loss?
  • Bet on favorites! An average bettor knows that betting on favorites is a smart and relatively safe move because everyone is expecting favorites to win. Placing a bet on teams that are most likely going to win increases your chance of winning most, if not all, of the bets.
  • As enticing as a combination bet is, there are some cons you might want to know. While it is true that this strategy gives you more chances of winning by covering a wide range of selections and getting a chance of winning one or more bets, it also means that you are distributing your money on more selections. Hence, you get smaller profits. Your best bet in winning big is by betting on a traditional accumulator. 
  • Nonetheless, you can make money, especially with good odds, sound knowledge, and smart moves. Having said this, it is your choice to decide if this strategy works for you. Otherwise, which other strategy works for you. If you are a beginner, you can try this method and several others. In that way, you’ll find which one suits you the most. You should be able to decide after a few rounds.

How to Bet on Head-to-Head Market in Sport Betting

Conclusion on Using a Combination Bet On Favorites

In conclusion for everyone who wanted to know more about Using a Combination Bet On Favorites, a combination bet is a strategy simply means ‘not putting all your eggs in one basket,’. Or, as the case may be, ‘not risking all your money on a single bet.’


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