Top Roulette Tips for Beginners and Pro Players



Roulette is a casino table game that is easy to understand and play. Although it has no technical terms or complicated betting systems; it only involves betting on the number or number options a small ball will stop on, the chances for a player to win in this game are slim. We are presenting you with top roulette tips in this article that will be useful to you!

Still, not to worry, our trusted and tested roulette tips will increase your likelihood of beating the house and increasing your chip. These roulette tips will be a light upon your path to beat the odds and win the dough every time you play a game of roulette.

You can follow these tips strictly or add a dash of your own twist, however, make sure you do not lose focus on the basics of the game.

Let us take you through roulette winning tips, but first I want you to know that gambling on the roulette depends on luck, you can either lose or win, so whenever you play a game of roulette sit back and enjoy the game as you follow these tips.

Table of content:

  1. Tips Before you Start Playing Roulette
  2. Roulette Tips
    1. The Martingale Roulette Strategy
    2. The Reverse Martingale Strategy
    3. The D’Alembert Roulette Strategy
    4. The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy
    5. The James Bond Strategy
    6. Neighboring numbers strategy
    7. Labouchere system
  3. Reversed la bouchere system
  4. The maximum boldness strategy

Tips Before you Start Playing Roulette

  1. Go for European roulette. This type of roulette wheel has a single zero; the advantage of the house is low compared to all other wheel types, giving the players a better advantage
  2. Locate a roulette table with a minimum bet of €/£/$1 to €/£/$5 and a maximum bet of €/£/$500 to €/£/$1000. 
  3. After you locate a table, sit around and watch the wheel spin for a few rounds, understand the table before you join.
  4. Study the players that are already on the table. Know who is winning and who is losing, also study their mood you do not want to be on the same table with drunkards, aggressive and mean people.
  5. When you have decided to play at that table, make an effort to be friendly with other players at the table.
  6. Get acquainted with the game and the table by first playing a free option for a few rounds.
  7. Do not be tensed and play for fun.

Top Roulette Tips Detaily Explained

Several strategies can be used to minimize your losses and increase your winnings at a table of roulette. The following are strategies that you can follow.

The Martingale Roulette Strategy

Martingale strategy is progressive. It involves increasing your bet twice as much as your last bet whether you win or lose. The aim is to recover all losses when you win once, although the gain may be little. This method is direct and beginner-friendly and if bets are placed on outside chance all the better. 

Start with the minimum bet at the table; place your bet on a single color or even/odd number or 1-18/19-36 number and keep doubling them until you win or lose. When you win, it will cover up for all the losses you have encountered. After a win, keep the winnings and start with the minimum again.

This strategy is risky because it could make you run out of money fast. If you play at a table where the minimum bet is $5 and the maximum bet is $1000, and you keep losing you might hit the maximum bet and not be able to continue the sequence before you have the winning streak that will cover up for all loses.

Use this method if you are an experienced player and have enough bankroll or play at a table with a minimum bet of $1 and a maximum bet of $1000, with this you can be sure of winning before you get to the maximum bet limit.

The Reverse Martingale Strategy

This strategy is also progressive and known as Anti-Martingale strategy. It is a close relative of the Martingale strategy. It involves decreasing your bet when you lose and increasing it when you win, instead of increasing your bet when you lose. The aim is to exploit a series of successes while reducing losses during losing streak.

Start with the minimum bet at the table; place your bet on a single color or even/odd number or 1-18/19-36 number and keep doubling them until you win but reduce your bet when you lose. Keep lowering your bet if you keep losing and when you win, double the bet on the same spot for the next round. 

Reverse Martingale strategy is a good strategy to recover from all losses encountered but just like the Martingale, it is risky. It could make you run out of money and hit the maximum bet limit fast. 

Use this method if you are an experienced player or when playing at a table with a minimum bet of $1 and a maximum bet of $1000, with this you can be sure of winning before you hit the maximum bet limit.

The D’Alembert Roulette Strategy

This strategy is also a progressive one, but a flat progressive one. D’Alembert strategy involves increasing and decreasing your bet amount by a unit instead of doubling like Martingale and reversed Martingale method.

Start with the minimum bet at the table; place your bet on a black/white color or even/odd number or 1-18/19-36 number and keep increasing your bet by a unit after a loss or decrease it by a unit after a win.

With this, you can slowly progress to the maximum bet limit at the table, and you will not run of money quickly. The risky part of this strategy is that if you are on a winning streak, decreasing your bet by a unit will cover up for doubling your bet when you are on a losing streak.

The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy

Fibonacci strategy is another progressive strategy. It involves a set of numbers written by an Italian Physicist and mathematician, Leonardo of Pisa, nicknamed Fibonacci. This series of numbers is called “Fibonacci sequence”. The numbers are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc. These numbers are written in such a way that a number is the sum of the first two previous numbers. 

Start with the minimum bet at the table; place your bet on a black/white color or even/odd number or 1-18/19-36 number and keep increasing your bet according to the Fibonacci sequence. If you lose, keep using the sequence. When you win on an amount, move back two numbers and bet with that amount.

For instance, if you bet on all even numbers with $1 and you lose, bet another $1, and you still lost bet $2 this time, if you win, count two numbers away from 2 on the Fibonacci’s sequence, that will be $1, bet $1. Continue this sequence, when you have covered all your losses and won a little, pick up your winnings and leave the table.

This strategy is also risky because you will lose more money, the further down Fibonacci’s sequence you go. Using this method can guarantee to leave with a profit even if you lost more games than you won.

The James Bond Strategy

James Bond’s strategy is a non-progressive game also known as “foolproof”. It is a beginner’s favorite and was designed, and used by Ian Fleming and his famous character (James Bond). This strategy requires a player to have at least $200. 

Place $140 on the high numbers between 19 and 36, place another bet of $50 on the numbers between 13 and 18, and lastly place a bet of $10 on 0 for insurance. If the ball stops on 19-36 pockets, you win $80; if it stays on 13-18, you earn $100; and if 0 shows up, you win $160.

If the ball stops on a number between 1 and 12, you lose $200. Using this method can earn you the price of a good dinner every night.

Neighboring numbers strategy

This strategy involves betting on nearby numbers. Neighboring numbers strategy is merely placing your bet on five numbers that are next to each other. If you want to put your chance on number 15 with $50 for instance, this strategy allows you to spread $50 on numbers 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

The idea is to increase your possibilities of winning if the ball does not stop on the pocket you’ve initially chosen. This type of strategy is only used on the European roulette wheel, and it is a component of the Called and Announced bets


This strategy involves placing your bets on 1/3 of the board. Place an equal amount of bets on the top or middle row, put the same bet on whichever color appears the most often.

If you win either the top and middle row bet, there is a chance that you will also win the color bet. If you lose the top and middle row bet, you still have a +47% possibility of winning the colour bet and recover all losses.

Most Important Tips on How to Play Baccarat

Laboucherie system

Labouchere strategy is a complex one. If you are a beginner, I suggest you use the progressive method. This strategy is also called the Split Martingale, the Cancellation System and American Progression.

The Labouchere system tries to recover losses with multiple wins and not with a single bet like Martingale. It is used explicitly on outside bets such as red or black, or odd or even 

Write down a sequence of numbers, e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. For your first bet, add the first and the last number of your sequence, using our example, your first bet will be $14 if you win cancel out the first and the last number, our sequence will look like this 4, 6, 8, 10.

If you lose add the staked amount to the end of the sequence, in this case, our sequence will be 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Keep repeating the strategy. With this strategy, you will surely make a profit if you win as much as you lost. One of the disadvantages this game has is with keeping up with the mathematical calculations.

Reversed laboucherie system

Reversed la Boucherie system is a modified method of the La Boucherie system. Instead of canceling out the first and the last numbers in your sequence when you win, you add the staked amount to your sequence, and instead of adding the stacked amount when you lose you cancel out the first and the last number. This strategy almost gives the same result as the Labouchere but provides another way of beating the odds.

The maximum boldness strategy

Use this strategy if you have the boldness to place your entire bankroll on single even money, sit back, relax and hope that fortune smiles on you. With this strategy, you will get twice your money with 47.36% odds. If you lose, that is about it, but if you win, then you have won big!

Although Albert Einstein said, ‘No one can possibly win at roulette unless he steals money from the table while the croupier isn’t looking’. I beg to differ; you can win at roulette, all you need to know is when to pick up your winnings and leave or leave the table when you are on a losing streak and fight another day.

The Red and Black Roulette Strategy – Overview

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