Tips And Tricks For Combination Bet Market In Sports Betting – Football In Focus


Tips And Tricks For Combination Bet Market In Sports Betting

Here are the Tips And Tricks For Combination Bet Market In Sports Betting! The principle of combination bet is quite easy to comprehend. Instead of placing bets on games singly, you can as well put them together by combining all of them.

In this article, we would be discussing how you can conveniently combine bets and earn huge returns. We would also be discussing tips for combination bets. To start with, let’s discuss how this market works.

Table of content:

  1. Tips And Tricks For Combination Bet Market In Sports Betting
  2. How do combination bets work
  3. In case you decide to make use of the 2-combination bet type
  4. Tips and tricks for combination bet
  5. Leagues that can never be corrupted and are good for stakes include:
  6. Conclusion – Tips And Tricks For Combination Bet Market

How do combination bets work

Unlike single bets whereby separate stakes are placed on the different games, a combination bet requires only one stake because all these stakes are combined. For example, let’s say you select three games to bet on ( game1, game 2, and game 3).

In single betting, each game would have its own stake while in combination betting a single stake is needed for all three selections. You will lose all your stake if a game out of the three you selected goes wrong. Combination bets are lucrative because one can barely find an underdog bet in them. 

Combination bet doesn’t have a fixed pattern, it can be built as desired, it also doesn’t have market restrictions, you could include any market in your bet ranging from handicap bet, total goal bet, and lots more- several markets can be fully exploited. One interesting feature of a combination bet is the odds’ quota.

This feature is what draws bettors to this market. The odds’ quota for combination bets is always huge. It’s because the odds of the individual bets that comprise the combination bet are multiplied to get the combination bet quota. For more clarity, check out this example; 

In case you decide to make use of the 2-combination bet type

  • 1st-Tip A: Borussia Dortmund versus Bayern Munich | Tip 1 | Odds 1.60
  • 2nd-Tip B: Benfica Lisbon versus FC Cologne | Tip 2 | Odds 1.75
  • 3rd-Total odds 2.80 (1.60 x 1.75)
  • 4th-Betting stakes 20 Euros
  • 5th-Profit 56 Euros | Net Profit 36 Euros

The total odds of 2.80 was derived from the multiplication between odds for Tip A and Tip B. This principle of calculation is the same for all combination bet types. For instance, a 5-combination bet type also follows the same pattern as each individual bet is also being multiplied to derive the quota.

You could also see that the 20 Euros stake yielded a total profit of 56 Euros and a net profit of 36 Euros. The net profit you can calculate by subtracting your stake from the total profit. From the profits, one could decipher that a combination bet is actually lucrative. Moving on, let’s discuss tips and tricks for combination bets.

Tips and tricks for combination bet

First and foremost, every bettor should understand that it’s quite impossible to steadily make huge profits. But small profits on the other hand, one can steadily accrue. All bettors know that it’s important to have buffers. Buffers make losses not to have much effect on the bettor.

Betting because you urgently need cash is very wrong. It ruins bettors. As a bettor, you should be diverse in sourcing for tips. In addition to your instincts, you could also look out for tips online from prediction sites. Some predict sites you could visit include;,, and lots more. 

While looking for tips, limit your search to games with odds below 1.2 make sure the odds fall in between 1.05-1.19, the odds shouldn’t surpass1.35. This is because games with little odds have higher chances of winning. The betting market you should use for these games is the one-two-way (1X).

The odds for this market is around 1.05. Try as much as possible to avoid corrupt leagues. Corrupt leagues are leagues that have fixed fixtures, fixtures that have manipulated their outcomes.

Leagues that can never be corrupted and are good for stakes include:

  • 1st-The champions league
  • 2nd-The English Premier League
  • 3rd-The German Bundesliga
  • 4th-Serie A

Also, try as much as possible to avoid friendly matches. After sourcing for tips, note the games you have picked on a piece of paper then start combining them. For example, you sourced 5 games with odds; 1.08, 1.08, 1.12, 1.05, 1.08. When you calculate the quota of these games you would get a total of 1.48 odds. Any stake on these odds would yield 48% profit.

Double-way markets have small odds but are safer. Adding an extra game using the “favorite to win” market increases the odds’ quota. For instance, in a game between Paris Saint-German and Chelsea, you decide to go for the “PSG to win” market. This market is worth 1.20 odds.

Adding this market to the 5 games you picked before would increase the odds’ quota to 1.92. With these odds, a stake of £10 will yield 19 Euros. That’s a good profit.

Conclusion – Tips And Tricks For Combination Bet Market

Always make sure that the games that constitute your combination bet are less risky games. Desist from the motto: “Oh, I will take this game too”. Play using professional strategies and always have a plan!

See Also: Bet Against a Tie in Soccer Betting in the Best Way


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