Only Bet When You Are Feeling Good- Managing Your Emotions When Betting


As a quick way of looking at it, sports punters and gambling players fall into one of two groups of individuals. The first is the person who sees betting as a fun, social activity. He or she maintains discipline, and like 92% of bettors, he or she has a loss limit and is not likely to risk more than that.

The second is the one whose sole motive is to take the risk of winning. This type of a bettor is motivated and has one end of the game. Irrespective of which category someone falls under, emotions will overwhelm intent and the result. Even a casual bettor who is just social may get caught up in the competition or let a disappointment cause an unplanned action.

Table of content:

  1. Emotion Discipline And Control
  2. The Four Emotions Common In Sports Betting
  3. Fears
  4. Anger
  5. Sadness
  6. Joy or Happiness
  7. Conclusion

Emotion Discipline And Control

Emotions are always part of us, so we need to learn how to keep them in control, which can be a challenge. You may have had one of the toughest mornings of your life, but it would be unreasonable to go to your office and throw stuff around or scream a loud shout at your co-workers. The way you feel is valid, but you must be strong enough not to allow your actions to follow suit.

If you’re in the second group listed above, and you’re intent on getting ahead whenever you make a bet, it’s even more important to pay attention to your actions and reactions. If you’re out there betting without limits, your mind can be incredibly dangerous to you.

The Four Emotions Common In Sports Betting

Most behaviorists and psychologists believe that all the various twists and turns of our emotions fall into one of four groups.

When you bet, your emotions can be of great gain if you know them and properly make the most of them. Or they can be incredibly damaging, not only to the immediate result, but they can have long-lasting consequences on your everyday life.


Fear, like rage and sorrow, may seem like an obvious one to avoid. And, yes, it’s real if it’s daunting in your life. As far as finances, in particular, are concerned, it can be a kiss of death for gamblers. Money worries are a major reason why even an occasional bettor can make things worse. If you’re in bad shape, and you look at your bet as your last resort, the outcome won’t end up as you would have liked.

You may have placed a bet that turned out to be good, and it gave you a bit of a relief, but it still does not fix your problem. If you’re in the middle of real panic, you could perhaps just turn around and “let it ride,” hoping that the next outcome would be a positive one and make things much better. People who are in the grips of financial desperation want their lives to turn around entirely, so they’ll continue working and try and accrue as much money as possible.

What’s going to happen then? They often take things one step too far and end up right where they started or worse.

The emotion of fear, however, can take on many forms. Fear can render you paranoid or suspicious. You might think the bookmaker’s odds are deceptive or unfair, so you make a few bets to verify that and try to one-up the process.

On the other hand, there are moments when fear can help you, not only in gambling but in all areas of life. It can make you wary and keep you away from places that don’t seem to be safe. It’s going to prompt you to have your doors locked and take other precautionary measures, just in case.


Anger can be presented in several ways. It can be the pure, plain rage that expresses itself vocally, physically, or internally. It may also present itself as impatience, resentment, irritation, vindictiveness, aggressiveness, or even boredom.

Being scared can also transform into anger, just as working on your rage can ultimately make you afraid in the end. Although everybody experiences these feelings, they’re something you want to deal with personally. You don’t want to let them get into your decision-making process.

The emotion of anger is one that can be expressed in two separate ways, and both have an effect on betting. Your emotions can be directed outward, or they can turn inward and potentially do some personal harm to your psyche.

An outward expression may mean placing extra bets or increasing your stakes much higher than you’ve ever anticipated. You may just have lost a “sure thing,” and you’re frustrated.

Your first inclination may be to get your money back and salvage yourself. You’re angry at a team, a single player, or even a sportsbook. They’ve wronged you, and it’s their fault, but you’re going to get it back and even more.

At the moment, there are all sorts of feelings spinning about. You’re upset at the unexpected result. You feel excluded because you see this as corruption, and now you’re going to take offensive action. 


Sadness is similar to fear when it comes to the emotions in affiliation with sports betting or any other form of gambling. You’re more likely to make any bad decisions right from the beginning. You don’t even have to wait for the outcome of your bet since you’re already agitated.

Being sad can also take on many forms, such as hopelessness, discouragement, regret, disappointment, disconnection, and despair.

Apparently, they’re both phases of sadness. You can be upset, and you can get over it fast. For instance, you may have been counting on a team to get away with a major upset, which didn’t happen. Yeah, you’re complaining, and perhaps not in the best of moods, but the subtle sadness is unlikely to affect your life that much anyway.

If your discouragement is more chronic, however, or has a greater effect on your physical well-being, then there is reason to be worried. Discouragement can feed into panic or worry, and it can cause you to make some bad decisions moving forward.

Just as sorrow relates to fear-based emotions, so do anger-based reactions. If you are helpless or in real distress, you will continue to make bets or raise your stakes until you have a result that you think will make you feel happier and take away your sadness.

Joy or Happiness

It’s fascinating that the first three groups of emotions can be classified as strongly worded tales when it comes to gambling. When you talk about joy or happiness, though, you can automatically assume they’re equivalent to a green light—”go for it.”

This is not always the case. Yeah, it’s easier to make a bet or take a gamble with a positive life outlook than a bad one. You want to be in a state of mind with no concerns or doubts impacting your decision. Feeling good can help you make a lot better choices, or it can inspire you to be a little more reckless.

Think about it-if you feel too optimistic or overly motivated; losing some money may be a trigger to keep you going. You “know” that you are destined to win since you feel good and confident.

Quite often, frankly, that happens. When you’re in a happy state of mind, you appear to attract better circumstances and results, but not always. Your good frame of mind may be independent of gambling, and it is not just your day to win money.

Now, for punters who look at betting as a fun and social activity and remain within their budget, bring a good mood! It’s only going to make for an even better experience. Place a few bets, watch a game with your friends, and maybe cash out on a winning ticket (or not). It’s all a good feeling for you.

However, if you take your good feelings and transform them into a state of invulnerability, you might set yourself up for a fall. Be hopeful, ambitious, and enthusiastic, but be rational about how much you can afford to be at stake. And you’re going to want to explore both ends of the spectrum. What happens if you lose your bet(s)? Does your good mood fall by the side of the road? If so, reassess your actions. Happiness is invaluable. You want to keep it as long as you can.


Although a few emotions need to be kept out of the frame, casual betting can be a social activity and lead to good feelings. You may feel a bond with someone with common interests. Even arguing different aspects of your favorite team and why you want to put money on them forms a bond with others.

Although unnecessary and obsessive gambling should be avoided at all costs, there are more leisure bettors out there who just enjoy the fun of it. If you’re in that band, it generally does not lead to emotional hardship or financial hardship.


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