Live Betting in The First Half As A Sports Betting Winning Strategy


Live Betting in The First Half Strategy

Live Betting is one of the fastest ways to either lose or gain in Sports Betting. In this article, we would be discussing betting in the first half as a sports betting strategy. This strategy was devised by David. Before we go into what this strategy is all about, let’s have the basic knowledge of live betting.

Table of content:

  1. Live Betting in The First Half Strategy
  2. What Is Live Betting?
  3. Types of Live Bet
    1. Traditional bets
    2. Prop bets
  4. Conclusion

What Is Live Betting?

In times past, bettors were only allowed to place stakes on games before they commenced. Once the game begins, bets get locked. This policy was on for a long time before bookmakers found out that they could make a much better experience for their users if they developed a system that would allow bettors to stake on games even when they are In-play. Live Betting is sometimes termed In-game betting. The markets offered in live betting are between periods and sometimes are available after every single drive.

Basically, the bettor is allowed to bet on different things at any period in the game. The diversity of betting types solely depends on your bookmaker’s technological capability. However, a live bet isn’t available for all games.

Casino, for example, has the fewest and sometimes no provision for live betting because periods and quarters happen very fast, and it would take a top-notch technological provision to make a live bet available. Some bookmakers have these provisions in place, but they are rare. Moving on, let’s talk about the types of live bets available.

Types of Live Bet

The types of live bets available to you depend on your bookmaker and the sport you’re betting on. As discussed earlier, adequate technological provision is needed for a sportsbook to effectively run live bets on every event. They have little or no time to prepare as this is quite different from the normal bet. For this reason, live bet types vary with bookmakers. The common types include;

● Traditional bets

In this bet type, the same bets available before the game would remain available till the end of the match. The odds get to change as the match progresses. For example, let’s say you’re in a live football game between Bayern and Wolfsburg. Before the match commenced the odds for Wolfsburg to win were about 3 odds. But as the match progressed, two of Bayern’s star players were awarded red cards. You would notice a drop in the odds of Wolfsburg to win to about 2 odds. This decrease is due to a deficiency in Bayern’s squad. The traditional bet type is what most bookmakers provide for their bettors.

● Prop bets

Prop bets basically deal with staking on how many goals a player would most likely score in a match or how many goals a goalkeeper would concede. There are two types;

  •         Fun prop bets
  •         Skill prop bets

The odds for prop bets are usually very high. For example, in a football game between Chelsea and Manchester United, you decided to stake on Pulisic to score a goal in the first 45 minutes. The odds for this kind of market is always >5. Supposing Pullisic scores in the first 45 minutes as predicted, your turn out will be huge.


Prop bets are risky bets but yield lots of profits if won.

With the basic knowledge acquired, one can conveniently comprehend this live betting strategy which is as follows;

In live betting, bettors are advised to stake more on what happens in the first half. An example of a market you could stake on in the first half is the “throw in” market. The odds for who would have the higher number of throw-ins in the first half is always between 1.5-1.7odds. Obviously, these odds aren’t huge, but it’s a safe stake. Out of 56 bets placed using this market, it’s certain that you would win above 30. To reduce losses while using this strategy, you should have a good starting capital. 

The higher the capital the higher the profit. To have an effective progression, you should try to stake with the same amount every single time. This way, you get to have your losses in previous bets back in subsequent bets. That is if you lose a bet and win the next bet the profit on the second bet would be calculated as stake + imaginary profit from the previous one you lost back in. The only constraint is that this strategy doesn’t really work well with multiple bets. For better comprehension, below are some rules you should take note of;

  •       Have the right capital to start
  •       If your capital isn’t sufficient, don’t play many games at once.
  •       Discipline and patience are needed.
  •       Take note of every stake, so you wouldn’t get confused.
  •       More throw in bets are lost in the second half. Try play throw in bets in the first 45 minutes.


The beauty of this strategy is that bettors are not pressurized to make pre-game selections. Instead, the bettor has the free will to bet at any period in the game. Whichever market catches the bettor’s eye during the gameplay could be bet on without any issue.

See Also: Best Tips and Unique Features of Football and Tennis Betting


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